
Who to contact?

The best way to make contact is via either of the Directors:

Rhys Walters

  • Mobile: 021 133 7473 (text messages welcome too)
  • Email:

Vanushi Walters

  • Mobile: 021 024 30767
  • Email:

Standard contact hours

Our standard contact hours are 9:30am to 5pm on weekdays.

Where are you?

Titirangi, Auckland. We work from home offices and aren’t able to easily accommodate client visits here. However, in most cases there isn’t actually any need to meet in person, and it’s often easier to just phone or email or zoom or skype anyway (and more cost effective too). However, on the odd occasion when an in-person meeting really would be useful, we can arrange external meeting spaces, or we might be able to come to you.

After hours

While we don’t offer a 24/7 service, exceptions can be made to the standard contact hours in urgent cases.

Stress is illegal. If it’s urgent, then give us a call, rather than waiting for the next set of standard hours. To increase the chances of getting through, it can really help if you let us know in advance when we can expect your call. For example, even if you can’t talk during the day, you might be able to send us a discrete text message or email, asking for a call back when you’re at home in the evening. We can’t guarantee it but we may also be able to take urgent calls at any time without prior notice.